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Ideer til mundtligt og skriftligt arbejde
Gloseøvelser i forbindelse med emnet Kørekort og kørekultur 

Match the words to the correct definitions

  1. Dual controls
  2. To pass
  3. L-plates
  4. 3-point turn
  5. Emergency stop
  6. Reverse
  7. Theory lesson
  8. Roundabout
  9. Driving lesson
  10. To fail
  1. A manoeuvre, which is part of the driving test and where you have to stop the car.
  2. When you have been tested successfully.
  3. A kind of sign to show that you are still a beginner.
  4. The time you spend in a car with a driving expert and where the purpose is to become a good driver.
  5. A system in a driving school car which means that there are two sets of control pedals, for example two brake pedals.
  6. Something you have instead of a traffic light.
  7. To take a test without success.
  8. To go backwards.
  9. A manoeuvre, which is part of the driving test and where you have to turn the car around by using only three stop points.
  10. The teaching time for introduction of theory and the highway code.

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