Anvendelse af fagbilag og vejledning
Ideer til mundtligt og skriftligt arbejde
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Undervisningsministeriets håndbogsserie
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Ideer til mundtligt og skriftligt arbejde
Immigrants - American Government - Arnold Schwarzenegger 

Dette forløb kan anvendes til både D- og C-niveau. Der er lagt vægt på, at eleverne selv er medbestemmende vedrørende indhold, men at det overordnede emne er:

Immigrants - American Government - Arnold Schwarzenegger

(Arnold var valgt, da lige netop han var aktuel, men "rammen" kunne sagtens anvendes med andre personer. Samtidig foregik forløbet lige i de dage, hvor guvernørvalget fandt sted). Forløbet var på ca. to til tre dage under et fireugers modul, det vil sige modulopbygget undervisning med fire ugers engelskundervisning, hver dag med seks lektioner.


  • Kompendiumindhold: Introduktion, tekst "Arnold Schwarzenegger", diverse engelske og danske avisartikler om valget af "Arnold" til guvernør, oplæg til præsentationsteknik, evalueringsskema.
  • Introduktion til mind-mapping (studiekompetence).
  • "Is i maven" fra underviserens side, da mind-mapping ikke var lærerstyret.
  • Bibliotek og bibliotekarassistance.
  • Eleverne blev efterfølgende delt i grupper efter eget valg, og der var flere computere med internetadgang til alle grupper.
  • Arbejdet foregik overalt på skolen: klasseværelset, kantinen, OpenLearning Centre, værksteder og andre små gruppekroge.
  • Elever blev holdt fast ved at aftale mødetidspunkter til opsamling mv. Ellers var lærerrollen som "konsulent" og sparringspartner.
This project has to do with being active when finding information and knowing what to do with it. To explore and find out what is relevant and what is not! The end result is of course being able to present your material, so that others can understand it and use it.

Each of you has been given a number of articles to read about Arnold Schwarzenegger. Read them to give you an idea of this topic. There is more to Arnold than just "The Terminator". Afterwards we will meet to discuss the articles and to make a mind map.

  • What is interesting?
  • Background information
  • What's it all about?
  • What do we need to know in order to understand what is going on in California right now?
Mind mapping:
After mind mapping you will be divided into groups according to your interests. The groups decide among themselves what topics they will choose. It is up to you to work together and to find relevant information about the topic that you have chosen.

Presentation: The information you find will form the basis of a group presentation. Your presentation should last 15-20 minutes. Everyone in the group is required to participate and everyone is responsible. Your classmates and teacher will evaluate each group. Each group is to:

  1. Prepare a presentation on your topic lasting at least 15 minutes
  2. What is it about? Background for the people or topics involved? What would be of interest, ("pearls of wisdom"?) What do we need to know to understand the situation?
  3. Be creative and illustrative (OH, pictures, statistics, etc…)
  4. Make it interesting so people will listen to you!
  5. Be prepared to answer questions.
This is part of your oral grade (and doku-mappe). Your presentation will be graded on language, "the unifying principle", length, the result of your findings and evaluations from the class and teacher. Needless to say, everything is in English!

Deadline: (dato og kl.)
Have fun!

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