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Ideer til mundtligt og skriftligt arbejde

Denne opgave anvendes til elevmanualen til C-niveauet (bilag 2).

Nedenstående ser du en liste over forskellige opgaver. Nogle af opgaverne er obligatoriske og knyttet til bestemte emner, andre kan du selv vælge imellem. Men du skal bare sørge for at få udfyldt din tjekliste (bilag 1), så du er sikker på at arbejde med alle fagets mål.

Brug værktøjskassen flittigt - det er guld!

Exercise 1:
Read a text of your own choice

Find all new words in the text. Look them up in a dictionary.
    What do they mean in Danish?
    How would you explain the meaning in English?
    (Use Advanced Learners Dictionary)

Exercise 2:
Read a short article which you have found on the Internet or in an English magazine/newspaper.
Make at least one question to each paragraph. (NB: It should not be possible to answer the question by "yes" or "no"!).
    Make sure that you know the answer yourself.
    When answering your own questions, use other words and expressions
    than the ones mentioned in the text.

Exercise 3:
Read an article about your future profession. Classify the words:
    Which are nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs? Give arguments
    for your classifications.

Exercise 4:
Read an article about your future profession.
Find words in your text which have something (what?) in common.

Exercise 5:
Rephrase a hip hop text into Standard English.
Extract 5 slang words from the text. Find synonyms.

Exercise 6:
Rephrase an English SMS-text that you find on the Internet into Standard English:
Find a traditional poem on the Internet. Rephrase it into SMS-language.
In both examples: Comment on the most important differences between SMS-language and Standard English.

Exercise 7:
Write two letters in which you tell the readers about the party you went to last week. One letter should be received by your best friend and the other by your grandmother.

Exercise 8:
Read an essay or article (not a short story). Analyse the text.
    Who wrote the article?
    What is his/her background/profession?
    Who was it written for?
    What is the message of the article?
    Why was it written?

Exercise 9:
Characterise the main character in one of the short stories you have read. Be sure to make a detailed description.

Exercise 10:
Write a film review of a film you have seen at your college. Find on the Internet a professional film review of another film and use it as a model for your own review.

Exercise 11:
You are on holiday in Spain. You meet an English girl who wants to know how you become an electrician (or your choice of profession) in Denmark. She also wants to know what further studies you can do after your apprenticeship.
    Prepare to answer her questions, and take notes as you may be asked to use
    the information when you return to your technical college in Denmark.

Exercise 12 (Compulsory):
Make a synopsis of your individual assignment. The synopsis should prepare you for a 5-minute speech about your chosen subject.

Exercise 13:
Make a Power Point presentation of a subject suitable to be presented in Power Point.

Exercise 14:
Retell, in your own words, a short story of your own choice. Duration: 3 minutes.

Exercise 15:
Analyse a short story or novel.

Exercise 16:
Comment on a television-documentary about a subject that has your interest. You are required to describe the subject from various points of view, including your own.

Exercise 17 (compulsory):
Write a problem statement for your individual assignment.

The statement should contain elements explaining

  • why you have chosen the topic
  • how you intend to complete the writing process
  • what the purpose of the assignment is
  • what you want your documentation to be
  • how you are going to present your assignment in class.
Exercise 18 (compulsory):
When writing the assignment outlined above, make sure to use correct spelling and grammar.
In your list of sources, you should give links to the Internet or grammar books where you found help with regards to spelling and grammar.

Exercise 19 (compulsory):
Write an individual assignment.
You should consider contents as well as grammar and spelling.
You are expected to give descriptions, to retell, to comment on and to analyse the subject you'll be dealing with. Furthermore you should be able to include relevant material in your assignment in order to give your personal opinion in a qualified way.

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