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Table of content


The Danish approach to quality in VET
Main characteristics of the Danish VET system
The VET context

Quality policy measures
The Common Quality Assurance Framework
Involvement of stakeholders
Common national guidelines
The funding of innovation and development projects
Output monitoring
Internal evaluation
External evaluation
General external quality measures
International cooperation and surveys
The Danish approach to quality within the CQAF

The next steps in the Danish approach to quality
Introduction of an annual resource report
Voluntary benchmarking among VET providers
Active participation in the European cooperation on quality

Annex 1:
CQAF policy priorities and the case of Denmark

Annex 2:
Quality rules

Annex 3:

Annex 4:
Relevant institutions and organisations

Annex 5:


groslash;n streg This page is part of the electronic publication "The Danish Approach to Quality in Vocational Education and Training" as a complete table of contents
© The Ministry of Education 2008

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