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Annex 1:
CQAF policy priorities and the case of Denmark

Annex 2:
Quality rules

Regulation on IVET - Order no 1518 of 13/12/2007 Chapter 2 Quality Assurance in IVET

§ 5 The trade committee responsible for an IVET programme shall follow up on training, and ascertain whether it meets the quality requirements for the programme.

Subsection 2. The trade committee shall continuously assure and develop the quality of the practical training in IVET, including monitoring of the development in the completion rate of specific groups of trainees. This is to take place in cooperation with the local training committees and the enterprises.

Subsection 3. The trade committee shall be responsible for monitoring the development in employment, and shall, on the basis thereof, submit a recommendation concerning new needs or changes to the training.

Subsection 4. The trade committee shall monitor the work of the local training committees on local education plans at the colleges approved to offer IVET.

§ 6 The vocational college shall have a quality system for the use of internal continuous quality development and assessment of results in the school-based part of IVET. The quality system is to include procedures for self-evaluation and procedures for the continuous collection and management of information.

§ 7 The vocational college’s procedures for self-evaluation shall ensure that defined areas are subjected to systematic and critical discussions regarding the college’s planning and implementation of IVET in order to facilitate an evaluation of its results compared to its objectives and action plans for increased completion rates.

Subsection 2. An annual self-evaluation shall be carried out, which includes at least one area regarding the planning and execution of IVET programmes and teaching.

Subsection 3. On the basis of the self-evaluation, the vocational college shall develop a follow-up plan, laying down the needs for changes, an operationalisation of objectives, strategies and a time schedule for the follow-up. The follow-up plan shall be made available on the website of the vocational college.

Subsection 4. The college follow-up plan shall include an action plan for increased completion rates among IVET students. In the action plan, the college shall prioritise its chosen methods for increasing the completion rate in relation to the student composition, provision of IVET programmes and other challenges specific to the college. The action plan shall include the objectives for an increased completion rate and the objectives for the effect of the chosen methods. Finally, the action plan is to include a report on the results of the previous year. The action plan shall be approved by the board and submitted to the Danish Ministry of Education in a form drawn up by the Ministry.

Subsection 5. The vocational college’s procedure, cf. § 6, shall ensure that college employees and learners and the local training committee are involved in the self-evaluation and in drawing up the follow-up plans to a necessary and adequate degree.

§ 8 The vocational college’s procedures for the collection of information are to ensure that the vocational college is able to document its results on a continuous basis, including documenting its efforts for increasing the overall completion rate. Moreover, the documentation is to form part of the college’s self-evaluation. The continuous collection of information shall

  1. document how the chosen teaching and teaching methods support the objectives of the IVET programmes and the objectives of the teaching;
  2. include a report and evaluation of completion and dropout rates.

Subsection 2. The results of the continuous collection of information shall be published on the college website for each year by March the following year, at the latest.

§ 9 The vocational college’s description of the principles for and the planning of the systematic quality assurance shall be available in a brief and clear format on the college website.

Subsection 2. The description shall support the participation of the college employees, the trainees and the local training committees in the systematic quality approach and their evaluation of this approach.

Annex 3:

CQAFCommon Quality Assurance Framework
CVETContinuing Vocational Education and Training
ENQA-NETEuropean Network on Quality Assurance
EVAThe Danish Evaluation Institute (Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut)
FoUInnovation and development projects (Forsøgsog udviklingsprojekter)
IVETInitial Vocational Education and Training
REUAdvisory Council for Initial Vocational Education and Training (Rådet for de grundlæggende erhvervsrettede uddannelser)
REVECouncil for Adult Education and Training (Rådet for erhvervsrettet voksen- og efteruddannelse)
SCKKThe Centre for Development of Human Resources and Quality Management (Statens Center for Kompetence- og Kvalitetsudvikling)
TWGTechnical Working Group
VETVocational Education and Training


groslash;n streg This page is part of the electronic publication "The Danish Approach to Quality in Vocational Education and Training"
© The Ministry of Education 2008

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