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Allerup, P. og Mejding, J. (2003) "Reading Achievement in 1991 and 2000" i Lie, S., Lin-nakylä, P. og Roe, A. (2003) Northern Lights on PISA. Unity and Diversity in the Nordic Countries in PISA 2000. Institut for læreruddannelse og skoleudvikling. Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo.

Beaton, A.E. et al. (1996) "Mathematics Achievement in the Middle School Years" i IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study. Chestnut Hill, MA. TIMMS International Study Centre, Boston College.

Caldwell, B.J. og Spinks, J.M. (1988) The Self-managing School. The Falmer Press, Falmer House, Barcombe, Lewes, East Sussex.

Kandel, D.B. og Lesser, G.S. (1972) Youth in two worlds. United States and Denmark. Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers. San Francisco.

Kjaernsli, M. og Molander, B-O. (2003) "Scientific Literacy: Content Knowledge and Process Skills" i Lie, S., Linnakylä, P. og Roe, A. (2003) Northern Lights on PISA. Unity and Diversity in the Nordic Countries in PISA 2000. Institut for læreruddannelse og skoleudvikling. Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo.

Lie, S., Linnakylä, P. og Roe, A. (2003) Northern Lights on PISA. Unity and Diversity in the Nordic Countries in PISA 2000. Institut for læreruddannelse og skoleudvikling. Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo.

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OECD (2001)b, PISA 2000-databasen.

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Schindler Rangvid, B. (2003) Educational Peer Effects. Quantile Regression Evidence from Denmark with PISA 2000 Data. AKF, Amternes og kommunernes forskningsinstitut, København, Danmark.

Turmo, A., Kjaernsli, M. og Petterson, A. (2003) "Mathematical Literacy and Compe-tency Classes" i Lie, S., Linnakylä, P. og Roe, A. (2003) Northern Lights on PISA. Unity and Diversity in the Nordic Countries in PISA 2000. Institut for læreruddannelse og skoleudvikling. Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo.


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