The Danish Approach to Quality in Vocational Education and Training
2nd edition
The focus of this publication is on the Danish approach to quality in vocational education and training (VET).
The Danish quality measures at policy level are described and assessed within the framework of the Common Quality Assurance Framework. Nine common measures for quality assurance and development are described from the perspective of VET: the involvement of stakeholders; common national guidelines; output monitoring, ministerial approval, monitoring and inspection; testing and examination; transparency and openness; evaluations by the Danish Evaluation Institute; and international cooperation and surveys.
The report can be ordered through bookshops or from: NBC Ekspedition, tlf. No. +45 5636 4040, fax no.+45 5636 4039 or e-mail: Opening hours: Monday-Thursday 9.30-16.00, Friday 9.30-15.00. Order no ISBN 978-87-603-2684-4
The Danish approach to quality in VET
Quality policy measures
The next steps in the Danish approach to quality
Annex 1:CQAF policy priorities and the case of Denmark
Annex 2:Quality rules
Annex 3:Acronyms
Annex 4: Relevant institutions and organisations
Annex 5:Bibliography
Complete table of contents
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