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The next steps

The implementation of Denmark's strategy for education and lifelong skills upgrading for all shall help to strengthen lifelong learning in all parts of the education system, in the labour market and in society.

With a broad political agreement on future prosperity and an agreement on the allocation of the DKK 15 billion globalisation funds, the Government has created the framework for extensive initiatives aimed at education and skills upgrading of the labour force etc. This is a long-term strategy to be implemented in the period 2007-2012, which is to improve both the quality and capacity of the education system and the adult education and continuing training.

The Government's implementation of the strategy includes the following main points:

  • Proposals for new legislative initiatives shall be presented to the Folketing in 2006/2007.
  • Implementation of new initiatives in 2006/2007 (financed by the globalisation funds).
  • Tripartite talks (Government and the social partners) in 2007 on the future financing of adult education and continuing training
  • Political talks with the political parties behind the Welfare Agreement on the principles for the allocation of DKK 1 billion extra for vocational adult education and continuing training.
  • Monitoring of new legislation in 2009/2010.
  • Evaluation of new initiatives (the globalisation funds) in 2009 with a view to a political discussion of the effect and continuation of the initiatives and prioritisation of new initiatives for the period 2010- 2012.


groslash;n streg This page is part of the publication " Denmark's strategy for lifelong learning "
© The Ministry of Education 2007

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