Prior learning – a broadly founded political projectDenmark has a long tradition of individual competency evaluation. In the past, this has resulted in a focus on individual skills identification for:
Starting in 2004, an increased focus was placed on recognising prior learning, and in August 2007 the educational fields covered by the legislation were expanded to include following educational fields:
The current legislation builds upon a thorough political foundation. Since 2004, a broad political majority has supported expanding recognition of prior learning. Prior to the changes, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry for Science, Technology and Development, the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs presented the policy paper Recognition of Prior Learning Within the Education System to parliament. The paper, which was well received, presented new ideas for how Danes could achieve personal growth and learn new skills – in the liberal adult educational system, on the job, through liberal adult education, and by volunteering. The main idea of the report was to present ways to develop hidden competencies, and how to bring them out into the light. The message was: “Whatever you can do counts”. A Danish version of the report can be downloaded from
http://static.uvm.dk/publikationer/2004/realkompetencer In 2005, as a follow up to the policy paper, the Ministry of Education published a discussion paper about recognition of prior learning titled “Your skills – finding Denmark’s hidden competencies”. The goal of the paper was to set a new agenda for the discussion of Danes' competencies, as well as to launch a national skills improvement movement that would help make the political vision a reality. The discussion paper describes why recognition of prior learning is necessary for Denmark, and identifies the challenges and questions Denmark faces in recognising prior learning. The Danish discussion paper can be downloaded from http://static.uvm.dk/publikationer/2005/detdukan All this preparation resulted in the passing of new rules relating to the development and recognition of prior learning in the adult and continuing education system, which became effective on 1 August 2007. Therefore, Minister of Education Bertel Haarder placed prior learning and the new legislation on the political agenda during the 2007 Sorø Meeting. Education ministers traditionally use the annual Sorø Meeting to call together education professionals to discuss current policy issues. The 2007 meeting was titled: “Learning for Life – a conveyor belt to reality”, and the participants discussed the challenges and the opportunities associated with prior learning. The broad range of views on the topic was compiled and published by the ministry. For more information about this publication in Danish: http://static.uvm.dk/publikationer/2007/soroe07
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