Title: Recognition of Prior Learning within the education system
Subtitle: Danish Government policy paper presented to the Parliament November 2004
Publisher: The Danish Ministry of Education, National Education Authority
Author: The Danish Ministry of Education, The Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation,
The Danish Ministry of Culture and The Danish Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs
Copyright: The Danish Ministry of Education
Keywords: Prior Learning, assessment and recognition; competences; Non-formal and Informal Learning, identification and validation
Abstract: The Danish Government November 2004 policy paper on Recognition of Prior Learning within the education system was met with approval by the Parliament. The rationale of the policy paper is that Denmark has many undreamt-of competences when it comes to taking up the challenges that come with the development on the labour market and the present-day world. Denmark must become better at rendering this potential visible, utilising and building on it by focusing on what the individual is really cable of. This Government initiative is a contribution to an offensive competence strategy intended to prepare Denmark for global competition and the knowledge society.
The Government has already started promoting recognition of prior learning within the education system in various areas. However, the main message of this policy paper is that in the light of Denmark's need to strengthen the knowledge and competence level, there is a need to go much further. This initiative will be implemented by introducing better opportunities for recognising prior learning within the education system, where such provisions do not already exist. It is to be implemented gradually, starting in the adult education and vocational training area taking effect from 1 August 2006.
Language: Eng
ISBN (Electronic version): 87-603-2467-8
ISSN (Electronic version): 1399-7386
Download price: 0 DKK
Version: 1.0
Version Date: 2005-05-30
Publication standard no.: 2.0
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